Begoña Zabala (Algorta, Basque Country, 1950) reached Iruñea in 1977 and was a first-hand witness of the police attack in the bullring and outside it. She is a lawyer by profession, a member of the committee for establishing what took place, and she has worked on the legal side of the matter. She took a very active part in the feminist movement in the 1970's, and has just published the book Feminismo, Transición y Sanfermines del 78 ('Feminism, Transition and the '78 San Fermin festivities').
FM 98.3ko zein webguneko edukiak musu truk entzun, irakur eta ikus ditzakezu.
Zuretzako eskari bat dugu: posible baduzu, lagun gaitzazu gero eta eduki gehiago eta hobeak sortzen, Iruñerriko euskaldun ororen eskura jartzeko.
Izan ere, zenbat eta komunitate handiagoa, orduan eta proiektu komunikatibo eraginkorragoa.